Bhartiya Vidya Mandir School

Bhartiya Vidya Mandir School

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BVM( USN) observes the Constitution Day « 26/Nov/2021

To reinforce the significance of Indian Constitution, constitution day or Samvidhan Diwas was observed at BVM USN to honour and remember the architect of the Indian Constitution, Dr Bhim Roa Ramji Ambedkar. Ashna Chopra (IX class) acquainted the students with the significance of the sacred document that makes the nation.The preamble of the constitution was read by Tashika Sharma (IX class) in the assembly . She also led  students to take pledge to ensure liberty, equality, opportunity for all and preserve the sovereignty of their motherland. Later the students were also detailed about the historic background of the constitution by their teachers in the classrooms. Poster  making activity was organized for students of class V. Enhancing the awareness of the students Mrs Veena(PRT Social Science) illustrated that constitution is the backbone of every nation.
In her address, Principal Mrs Ranju Mangal said that democracy is not merely a form of government, it is primarily a mode of associated living and everyone should respect it.